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Forum at Computer Engineering and Information Technology


KDK College of Engineering, Nagpur is one of the premier institutions of science and technology in India. It is known for high quality of knowledge imparted to its students and its cutting-edge research. FACE IT was found in year 2006, January with duel aims of providing the budding engineers and innovators of the country a platform for sharing and spreading idea of science and technology, FACE-IT, a brainchild of eminent Professors and an actuated group of students of CT and IT department of KDKCE, working on a non-profit basis. This dictum of founders is fostered and followed by the word even today. Apart from technological, FACE-IT has also envisioned the social development of the students. With this aim in mind, FACE-IT has been taken several initiatives for addressing the all-round development of the students. Since the beginning in 2006, FACE IT has been organizing bigger and better events every year which leave a lasting impact on the young minds. FACE-IT, today, reaches out to over 7000 students from more than 50 colleges in India (including Maharashtra and other states) and around 100 Cooperato and Faculty members. FACE-IT has been utilizing its wide reach to promote research and development for including spark among budding intellectuals and to impress upon the masses and the benefits of the sustainable way of leaving The major part of the operations of FACE-IT, in its early years, was the organization of the Annual Tech Fest ELECTICA after its name changed to FAHRENHEIT) at KDKCE premises.
Since last few year apart from FAHRENHEIT, FACE IT has been organizing many of its pre-techfest-events the dimension of whole culmination. The primary objective of The FAHRENHEIT is to provide a national platform for students to showcase their talent FACE-IT has successfully organized this Techfest for years, ensuring that the graph of its activity has always been rising FACE-IT is managed by honorable HODIT Department, a group of 10 eminent Faculty-in-charges and an Organizing body, who take major decisions regarding the planning and execution of the events A team of more than 500 coordinators and organizers
Our Annual Tech fest- FAHRENHEIT had already earned the tag of most popular and much awaited technology festival the Vidharbha region through its quality and optimum hospitality offered to the participants. It is renowned for its unique aggregation of events, exhibitions, lectures series, technical symposiums and competitions that it organizes every year, FACE-IT brand name carry with it, the responsibility of providing the bet and latest in science and technology to the upcoming tech geeks, with its doctrine of social and technical welfare remaining intact. Promising to bring you the best as it has been doing since its origin in 2006, the legacy of more that half a decade will continue.


FAHRENHEIT-2022-23 Inaguration Invitation

FAHRENHEIT-2022-23 Poster

FACE-IT-Committee List-2022-23



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