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Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Electronics Engineering department has been established in 1999, approved by AICTE New Delhi and Government of Maharashtra, with an initial intake of 40 students. The intake was then increased to 60 from the session 2002-2003 and again 90 from the session 2004 onwords.

The department has good infrastructure for imparting training and education which includes well equipped laboratories. The department believes in over all development of students and is aligned in making students technically sound by organizing different Technical Seminars, Workshop, Guest Lectures all throughout the year under Departmental forum IETE Student Forum (ISF). Department undertakes R&D activities and consultancy assignments.

The department has highly qualified staff with industrial experience. The students of the department also excel in the University Examinations and secure merit ranks every year. The head of the department is Dr. P. D. Khandait, having more than 30 years of teaching experience and published various research papers in National and International Conferences and Journals.

Salient Features of the Department:

  • Two Faculties of the department are Ph.D and some are persuing their Ph.D.
  • Faculty members of the department have presented and published their research papers in several National and International Conferences and Journals.
  • They have been invited as guest lectures and as judges / session Chairs for different workshops and conferences.
  • Faculty members have also actively participated at different levels in RTMNU like Board of Studies, Local Committees, Subject Experts etc.
  • Laboratories are well equipped with computers of latest configuration and Internet facility. Latest software's, Wireless Access Point, LCD projectors and a separate Router are used in the laboratories for teaching purpose.
  • Students are encouraged to appear in GATE, CAT, GRE and other competitive examinations which has resulted in increasing number of students clearing these exams.
  • The Department also coordinates ISF, NSS and ISTE Student Chapter of KDKCE, under which various National and College Level Technical and co-curricular activities are organized for the overall development of the students.

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