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  • Electrical Machines Laboratory

This laboratory is to gain knowledge about different types of machines like DC machines, Synchronous machines, Induction machines, etc. Students get practical experience and they can compare it with the theoretical concepts. The intent of an electrical machines laboratory is:

  • To provide practical knowledge to students.
  • To correlate the classroom teaching with actual machines characteristics.
  • To demonstrate testing techniques of various machines.
  • To analyze performance of the electrical machines.

List of Experiments for Electrical Machines-I

List of Experiments for Electrical Machines-II

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  • Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation Laboratory
    Electrical measurements laboratory provides an opportunity to the students to measure variouselectrical parameters and to carry out calibration of measuring devices. This laboratory is equipped withSchering Bridge Maxwell’s bridge and Wheatstone bridge etc. to facilitate the electrical bridges like Kelvinmeasurement of unknown values of elements like resistor, capacitor and inductor. The intent of Measurementslaboratory is:

  • To measure energy using energy meter.
  • To measure resistance, capacitance and inductance.
  • To measure active and reactive power.
  • To measure pressure, flow and temperature.

List of Experiment

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  • Network Analysis laboratory

Network Analysis laboratory is to help students understand the basic principles of electric circuits aswell as giving them an insight on design of circuits. The main aim is to provide hands-on experience to the students so that they will be capable to put theoretical concepts to practice. The intent of an network analysis laboratory is:

  • To verify various theorems like superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem andmaximum power transfer theorm etc...
  • To calculate z-parameters and y-parameters.
  • To measure power and power factor of RL series circuit.

List of experiments


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  • Control System Laboratory

Control Systems laboratory provides an opportunity to the students to learn and practice fundamentalconcepts of control systems. This laboratory is having different setups like Synchros and PID controllers, AC servo motor, DC servo motor. The intent of Control Systems laboratory is:

  • To develop and design concepts of various controllers like P, PI and PID.
  • To determine the response of the second order system in time domain and frequency domain.
  • To enrich students on open loop and closed loop concepts.
  • To apply theoretical concepts to various equipments like synchros and servomotors.

List of Experiments for Control System- I

  • Power Electronics Laboratory

This laboratory aims to provide a platform for students in designing circuits and analyzing power electronics circuitry. This Laboratory is equipped with 1-Ф half and fully controlled converters, inverter and filter circuits which can be used to enhance students knowledge in the field of power electronics and drives. The intent of an Power Electronics laboratory is:

  • To study the characteristics of SCR, MOSFET, IGBT, TRIAC & DIAC
  • To analyze different techniques of converting AC to DC or vice versa.
  • To study the applications of different power electronic circuits.

List of Experiments


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  • Switchgear & Protection Laboratory

This laboratory aims to impart hands on experience in testing procedure of over current, under voltage, over voltage, earth fault relays and also to carry out the analysis of time current characteristics. The intent of switchgear and protection laboratory is:

  • To verify time current characteristics of relays
  • To understand the application of Current Transformer.
  • To analyze the behavior of elementary protective devices like MCBs and Fuses.
  • To get familiar with latest microprocessor and numeric relays.

List of Experiments for Switchgear and protection

List of Experiments supported by MSETCL

List of Experiments for Workshop


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  • High Voltage Laboratory

The high voltage laboratory aims to provide opportunity to students to do Calibration of voltmeter, breakdown test of pin type insulator, transformer oil, paper type insulator, measurement of corona. The intent of high voltage laboratory is

  • To test dielectric strength of transformer oil
  • To perform breakdown test.
  • To measure corona.

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  • Electrical Installation and Design Laboratory

The electrical installation design laboratory aims to provide opportunity to students to do Industry visit so that they can gain knowledge about installation of industrial substation, with various protection schemes along with tariff plan. The intent of electrical installation design laboratory is

  • To perform routine test on 3 phase transformer.
  • To analyze various starter used in induction motor.
  • To give knowledge about manufacturers and their products.

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  • Electrical Computer Laboratory I

The significance of the Electrical Computer Lab is renowned in the various fields of engineering applications. The objective of this laboratory is to impart hands on experience inverification of basic electrical circuits, power electronic circuits, transmission networks and etc., using PYTHON, MATLAB , PSCAD and Visio software. The intent of Electrical Computer laboratory is

  • To simulate transmission line by incorporating line, load and transformer models
  • To simulate various electrical circuits


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  • Electrical Computer Laboratory II

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  • Project Laboratory

In order to enhance academic and research activities, department has a project laboratory. Accordingly Robot club has been started to promote and encourage creativity among students of the department.
Objective: To provide a platform for implementation of innovative ideas among students and interaction among students to develop team spirit, communication skill and self learning.

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