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Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering Department has been established in 1984 with intake capacity of 60 which increased to 90 from the session 1998-1999, approved by AICTE New Delhi and Government of Maharashtra the department is also accredited by NBA, New Delhi in January 2008 for a period of three years. The intake capacity of the department was increased from 90 seats to 120 seats from the session 2008-2009. From Session 2019-20 intake capacity is 90. Highly qualified faculties and skilled supporting staff are the strength of the Electrical Engineering department.

The Department has organized Short Term Training Program STTP and SPARK, a National Level Paper Presentation contest. The department has a mixture of experienced as well as young and enthusiastic teaching staff. The students of the Department also excel in the University and secure merit ranks every year. Many of the alumnies are posted at higher positions in Government, public and private sectors. The Head of the Department is Dr. S.S.Ambekar.

Electrical Engineering department is actively involved in the research and consultancy in the field of electrical engineering. Fivefaculty members of the department arePh.D holders. The faculties are the recognized Supervisor for Ph.D ,M.Tech and M.E. by research of RT.M. Nagpur University.

The department has well equipped laboratories and research facilities. It is constantly modernizing the laboratories with latest technology and research. The Electrical Engineering is also the approved center for M.Tech. in Electrical Engineering of R.T.M. Nagpur University....

  • It has well-equipped laboratories with latest software and computing facilities.
  • Faculty members of the department have published and presented papers in national, international journals and conferences.
  • Faculty has long teaching and research experience combined with industrial experience.
  • Students are placed in reputed organizations like General Motors, HP, Jindal Steel and Power, L&T, Reliance Energy, Tata Motors, State Electricity board, Siemens, BHEL, Infosys, TCS, and around the world. Some of the students have completed their M.Tech. and Ph.D. programme from the reputed institute like NIT and IITs.

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