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Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Department was established in 1984 with intake capacity of 60 students is approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Government of Maharashtra and is affiliated to the RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur. In the Academic year 1989-90, the intake capacity was increased from 60 to 90 students. With increasing demand of Mechanical Engineering and looking to the goodwill of student choice, the intake capacity of the department was increased from 90 seats to 120 seats from the session 2008-2009 and 120 to 180 from Session 2013-14.With decline of the preferences of engineering student in basic branches like Mechanical the intake was reduced again to 60. The department started M.Tech (MED) PG course from session 2009-2010 with intake capacity of 18 seats. The department also have PhD research centre for intake of 15 PhD scholars and 10 for ME by Research students. The department is accredited thrice by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) in 2002 & 2007 and Graded ‘A’ by Government of Maharashtra. The Department is also accredited by Institute of Engineers (I), Kolkata. Institute is also accrediated by NAAC.

The department has progressed consistently since its inception and has been successful in imparting high standards of quality education with highly qualified and experienced teaching faculty members. The training is provided to aspiring students to attain good professional skills & values for their career.

The faculty of the department has significant representation in the university’s Academic Bodies, Board of studies in Mechanical Engineering, Academic Council, Senate, Selection Committee, various unique committees etc. The department undertakes consultancy and R&D activities through its R & D Cell & has a vibrant Entrepreneurship Development Cell and Incubation center. The Department also has Industry Institute Interaction (III) Cell, I5 Lab to promote Creativity & Innovation & Project Lab for bringing the ideas into actual implementation. The department is regularly organizing various programs like National Conference, Short Term Training Programs cell activities, Entrepreneurship Development, Incubation & Awareness Activities, etc. Many MoU's have been signed with Industries, Research institutions and Government Agencies for value additions to the curriculum for extending R&D & E D Cell.

Experienced faculties is the strength of the department. Ten faculty members are Ph.D and majority of faculty members are having experience between 10 to 35 years. The Department is fully equipped with best well qualified & experienced teaching faculty, sophisticated laboratory equipment, ICT enabled classrooms and latest application software like AUTOCAD, ANSYS, CREO & FFT Analyzer etc. thereby creating a perfect atmosphere for students to enjoy learning and for the faculty to carry out research. It is constantly modernizing the laboratories with latest technology and research. Looking at the need of the hour, 24x7 Wi-Fi enabled internet facility is provided to all the students.

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