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About Civil Engineering Department

The Department of Civil Engineering welcomes all the aspiring minds. It has been established in the year 1984 with an initial intake of 60 students; approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Director of Technical Education, Maharashtra. From session 1989-1990The intake was increased to 90 seats and to 120 in the year 1989-90 and 2008-09 respectively with an aim to expand the horizon of providing the quality education in field of Civil Engineering. Furthermore, the department has started PG program i.e. Master of Technology in Structural Engineering with an intake capacity of 18 students in the year 2009-10 and subsequently established an affiliating university’s Centre of Higher Learning leading to PhD in the year 2011-12.

The department has also established a Center of Excellence” of Ultra-Tech Cement Pvt. Ltd. The Center is slated to serve its objective by providing industrial exposure, collaborative projects and contemporary knowledge on civil engineering materials.

The Department of Civil Engineering encourages a deep understanding of the engineering field, emphasising cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills. The department inspires and instil in students the core values of conduct, ethics, social responsibility, and teamwork. In its pursuit of achieving the vision and mission of the institute, department has crystallized its vision as A Center for Civil Engineering Education for shaping Quality Technical Professional with Societal Focus” The department aspire all-rounded growth and professional development of the students thus, preparing them to take the world on their stride.


The department boasts the Students’ Chapter of Indian Concrete Institute (ICI) and Indian Water Works Association (IWWA), Nagpur Center. The ICI Student Chapter has received Emerging Students’ Chapter in the year 2016 and Best Students’ Chapter in the year 2019.

Recognising the quality infrastructure and educational deliverance, the department of Civil Engineering was accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) in 2002, 2007, 2018 and 2022-2025.

The department has cluster of highly experienced faculty with various expertise and industrial exposure.Prof. Dr Valsson Varghese, Principal is an expertise in Structural Engg., Dr A. M. Badar, Dr N. R. Dhamge, Dr P U Bisen, Dr B S Ruprai, Prof M N Umare having an expertise in different fields of Civil Engineering. With the experience and qualification, the faculties of the department are having good representation in the university’s Academic Bodies, Board of studies in Civil Engineering Academic Council etc. The department undertakes consultancy and R&D activities. The department has successfully completed AICTE aided research project on Geo-foams under TAPTEC. Faculties have numerous publications in the journals of repute, Patents, Copyrights, Authoring Books, Editor of the Books and reviewer of articles for many journals and conferences. The research ecosystem encourages enrichment of knowledge through attending conference, STTP, workshops, etc.

The Department is equipped with sophisticated laboratory having state-of-the art equipment and latest computational software’s like STRUDS, ANSYS, SAP, AUTOCAD, MATLAB etc., which helps the students to develop expertise in Civil Engineering.Dr Swapneel R. Satone, an expert in the field of concrete technology is the Head of Department.

Civil Engineering Department has been conducting conferences at International and National level. Recently, the department has organized four International Conferences, "Emerging Technology in Structural Engineering - ETSE-2017" on 14-15thMarch 2017; " Innovative Realms in Civil Engineering - IRICE-2018" on 23-24thJanuary 2018; Advances and Innovations in Civil Engineering (AICE) on 18-20th March 2021; and Critical Infrastructure and Sustainable Development on 22-23rd March 2024. A NAAC Sponsored National Conference on Paradigm Shift for Quality Sustenance in Higher Education through Accreditation on 10-11th December 2021. AICTE sponsored All India seminar on Repairs and Rehabilitation of Structure- RETROFIT. Beside various other activities are undertaken to build and upgrade the outcome of aspiring technocrats.

The department has received a grant of Rs.1,00,000forAICTE-SPICESfor the year 2021-22 and AICTE also granted grants of Rs. 50,000 for organising " Sustainable Management in Environmental Protection - SMEP -2005 and Rs. 2,00,000 for conduction of All India Seminar RETROFIT-2014.

MoU's have been signed with Industries, Research institutions and Personalities for value additions to the curriculum for extending R&D.

The university exam result of students has been very much appreciative due to their university merit rankings. Their placements are remarkable, and many students opts for higher studies leading for good placements in various MNC in India and abroad.

Presently, with an intake of 60 students, the department has encompassed a journey of four decades in quality education deliverance thus, contemplates vision of the Institute as "Service to the Society through Quality Technical Education."

The Department of Civil Engineering Beacons all the Aspirants to join and Propel their Carrer with us…

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