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Social Media Cell

Social Media Cell

Social Media Cell is a platform that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts through the social networking sites and also encourage students to use social media technologies to enhance communication, collaboration and information exchange.


1. To build image of the institution among society by publishing events and achievements.

2. To provide relevant information to stake holders

3. To create awareness about facilities in the Institution.


1. To carry out the social media campaign for promoting college related news& information.

2. To design innovative post/messages for posting on social media accounts ofthe college such as Facebook,Instagram,Youtube, Linkedln etc.

3. To keep track of the views, comments, likes on the social media platformsand report it to the concerned authorities.

4. To coordinate with different departments of the college as well as otherstakeholders & collect relevant information for posting on social media.

Social Media Letter

Social Media committee-2024-25

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